Pixelated pathways – a digital health blog
A draft data strategy (or manifesto)
Recently we’ve been revisiting our thinking around an organisational data strategy. For me, this means getting some sound principles discussed and agreed. A first pass at writing some ideas down feels a bit more like a data manifesto but (I think) gives a possible starting point. As a disclaimer, while I refer to my organisation,…
Digital by design, not by default
Recently a colleague described a possible future for our hospital group as ‘Digital By Default’. This tagline isn’t new, having been popularised by the UK Government Digital Service. However, it’s worth reminding ourselves and others that this was not intended to position digital as a pre-selected option, but was much more ambitious: “By digital by default,…
Designing Digital Health Documents
I’ve had a few discussions recently about the principles we (try) to apply when building new documents in our EPR (acute provider with several specialist services). Embarrassingly these have been held between various ears rather than written down. This is a non-exhaustive, no particular order first pass at trying to put this right! 1. The document…