Tag: Data

  • NHS Data – do we need a map or atlas?

    Die ganze Welt in einem Kleberblat – Heinrich Bünting 1581 Building on their recent report on preparing the NHS for the “AI era“, the Tony Blair Institute have announced an effort to map the the national data architecture of the NHS. This builds on the work published last year in The Lancet Digital Health which…

  • Data and clinical backlog management

    Weeknotes 1.8 The last week has posed interesting questions about productivity and what this means in the context of digital health technologies.  It’s clear that although we have more mature clinical systems and data sharing technologies than at any time in the history of the NHS, staff, patients and commissioners do not consistently feel the benefits. This…

  • Digital health needs to embrace clinical complexity

    In online discussions around digital clinical systems there are some evergreen positions that have recently resurfaced… Why can’t my EPR be just like my Apple/Google/Other product. These “just work” and don’t need to be taught to users… Any clinical system that needs users to be trained is too complex and shouldn’t be used… Whilst I…

  • A draft data strategy (or manifesto)

    Recently we’ve been revisiting our thinking around an organisational data strategy. For me, this means getting some sound principles discussed and agreed. A first pass at writing some ideas down feels a bit more like a data manifesto but (I think) gives a possible starting point.  As a disclaimer, while I refer to my organisation,…